Monday, April 2, 2012

Against My Window...I CAN Stand the Rain!

Can I just say that I LOVE a good storm in the afternoon?!! It never fails that it tricks my very intelligent 3 1/2 year old into thinking it is night time and he sleeps so soundly for so long. It helps me relax and regroup as it beats a rhythm on my windows and roof. Rainy afternoons are one of my favorite things.

Before the rain, J and I went grocery shopping today. He is really starting to come out of his shell. He noticed a vendor taking inventory in the store had a measuring tape on his belt and says, "Look, Mama, he has a measuring tape just like mine!" The man laughs and turns around and tells him hello and asks him how old he is. Now here is the moment I usually dread. Most of the time if someone engages my child in conversation, depending on his mood, he either (A) hides his face and peeks out at them shyly (the option we usually hope for), or (B) gets a horrible look on his face and growls at the person (very embarrassing for the parentals). Today he says, "I'm 3 years old, but I am fixing to be 4 in July!" I could not have been prouder! He spoke pleasantly and truthfully to another adult he wasn't used to! I could hear the Rocky theme playing in the background as we overcame this social battle on the salad dressing aisle today!

Lord, thank You for rain and complete polite sentences from preschoolers! You new I could use both today!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo J! So there is hope for my little one then? He used to be so outgoing, the shyness is a very recent development :(.
